Workers Compensation Fraud fraud is the most talked about type of insurance fraud. It is also the type that most employers are in the best position to help uncover. Workers Compensation Fraud occurs when employees knowingly lie about an injury while at work or falsify an injury report to collect Workers Compensation benefits. The employees may claim that the fraudulent injury was work-related when it wasn’t. Many times the employee is injured while off of the clock or not working over the weekend and instead of going to the hospital, they wait until Monday to pretend it happened at work. Some employees exaggerate an actual injury that has already healed in order to continue receiving Workers Compensation Benefits instead of returning to work.
Many employers believe that the longer an employee stays out of work and continues to collect benefits, the more likely the claim was fraudulent or that the employee has had ample time to heal and is continuing to pretend that they are injured. Under Connecticut State Law, injured employees don’t have to get back on the job until the doctor releases them to work.
There is no sure-fire way to identify fraud without proof or evidence, however, there are several red flags. Employers should call their carriers (the insurance company handling their Workers Compensation Policy for their company) immediately if they identify two or more of these flags.
There is no sure-fire way to identify fraud without proof or evidence, however, there are several red flags. Employers should call their carriers (the insurance company handling their Workers Compensation Policy for their company) immediately if they identify two or more of these flags.