Proving Cohabitation to Stop Alimony in Connecticut

Proving Cohabitation to Stop Alimony in Connecticut

When two people decide to move in together, it’s called cohabitation. Cohabiting couples live in the same dwelling and share expenses like rent, groceries, and utilities. Unlike married couples, cohabiting couples are not legally bound to one another. In Connecticut, if the payor spouse can prove that their former spouse is living with someone else, then they can petition the court to reduce or even terminate the alimony obligation.

However, the burden of proof is on the payor spouse and this is what most people fail to do.

Proving Cohabitation to Stop Alimony in Connecticut

So, Can You Prove Your Ex is Cohabiting?

When it comes to divorce, alimony is often one of the most contentious issues. If you’re paying alimony, you may be eager to have your payments reduced or eliminated altogether if your ex-spouse starts cohabiting with another partner.

But can you actually prove that your ex is cohabiting in an alimony case? Yes, you can.

Here are some tips on how to prove your ex is cohabiting in an alimony case in Connecticut.

Look for signs that your ex is sharing a residence with someone else.

When a person is seeking alimony from their ex, one of the things the court will look at is whether the ex is cohabitating with another person. If the court finds that the ex is indeed living with someone else, it may rule that the alimony should be terminated.

There are a few signs that you can look for to see if your ex is living with someone else:

  • Are they spending more time at someone else’s house than they are at their own?
  • Have they started paying bills or contributing to household expenses for someone else?
  • Is your ex-spouse hanging out on the weekends with the same person over and over?

If you suspect that your ex may be cohabitating with someone else, you should gather evidence to present to the court.

Proving Cohabitation to Stop Alimony in Connecticut

Look for social media posts.

In this day and age, social media is a great way to keep tabs on what someone is up to. If you suspect that your ex is cohabiting with someone else, look at their social media accounts. Check for posts that show your ex in the same location as the other person, or posts that talk about living together or mention spending a lot of time together.

See if your ex is posting pictures of herself with the same person over and over again, and does she refer to this person as their “roommate” or “partner”?

Look for changes in their lifestyle.

If you are seeking to prove that your ex is cohabitating in an alimony case, there are a few key changes in their lifestyle to look for. For example, if they suddenly start taking luxurious vacations or driving a new car, it’s likely that she is not paying for these things on their own.

Another key indicator is whether they are spending more time away from home. If they are frequently gone overnight or for extended periods of time, it might be because they are living with someone else.

Ask around.

If you live in the same community as your ex or know people living there, it’s likely that someone has seen them with the person they’re cohabiting with. Talk to the neighbors to see if they’ve seen your ex with someone else.

Even if they haven’t seen them together, they may have heard rumors. If you can gather enough evidence from people who live near your ex, it can be helpful in proving that they’re cohabiting with someone else.

Hire a private investigator.

If you are going through an alimony case and want to prove that your ex is cohabitating with someone to reduce or eliminate alimony, you may want to hire a private investigator.

A private investigator can conduct surveillance and gather evidence that may prove your ex is living with someone. He will be able to gather evidence and information that you may not be able to get on your own and this can be used in court to help you get the alimony you deserve.

However, before hiring a private investigator, make sure you have a strong suspicion that your ex is cohabitating. Once you have decided to hire one, be sure to choose a reputable and experienced investigator.

It’s no secret that divorce can be ugly and when it comes to alimony, it can get even uglier. For many people, the idea of getting divorced is accompanied by the fear of having to pay – or receive – alimony.

However, proving that your ex is settled or living with someone else can eliminate the chances of paying alimony. Also, gathering evidence to build a strong case can be tough unless you are working with a private detective.

To help you out we at CT Private Detective, have extensive experience conducting surveillance and gathering evidence to prove cohabitation. Our private investigators understand the laws surrounding alimony and cohabitation, and we know how to build a strong case that will increase your chances of winning.

If you’re ready to pursue terminating your alimony, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you win your cohabitation case.

Proving Cohabitation to Stop Alimony in Connecticut

What can be used as proof of cohabitation?

In an alimony case, the court will consider many factors in determining whether to reduce or eliminate the alimony. One of the factors the court will consider is whether the ex-spouse has cohabited since the divorce.

Cohabitation is defined as living together in a conjugal relationship, meaning a relationship in which the parties share a common residence, common meals, and common finances.

The court will observe various aspects including but not limited to:

  • Whether the parties have held themselves out as a couple to friends, family, and the community.
  • Whether the parties have shared a common residence.
  • Whether the parties have engaged in sexual relations or shown affection in public.
  • Whether the parties have shared common meals and,
  • Whether the parties have treated each other as husband and wife in all respects.

If you are seeking alimony and believe that your ex-spouse has cohabited, it is important to gather evidence to support your claim. Some things that can be used as proof of cohabitation include:

  • Photos of the parties together. If you have photos of your ex-spouse and her partner together, that can be helpful evidence of cohabitation.
  • Credit card and bank statements. If your ex-spouse and her partner are sharing expenses, their credit card and bank statements may show this.
  • Witness testimony. If you have witnesses who can testify that they have seen your ex-spouse and her partner together, that can be helpful evidence of cohabitation.
  • Your ex-spouse and her partner share expenses and demonstrate joint decision-making. If you can show that your ex-spouse and her partner are sharing expenses and making joint decisions, that can make your case strong.
  • Any other evidence that would show that the parties have been living together in a conjugal relationship.

Keep in mind that these are just some examples of evidence that can be used to prove cohabitation. The court will look at all the evidence in the case to decide whether your ex-spouse is cohabiting with someone else.

Proving Cohabitation to Stop Alimony in Connecticut

Is it Hard to Prove Cohabitation in Connecticut?

When it comes to alimony, the courts in Connecticut take many different factors into consideration. One of those factors is cohabitation – specifically, whether the spouse who is receiving alimony is living with someone else. If you are the spouse who is paying alimony and believe that your ex is cohabiting with someone else, you may want to consider asking the court to modify or terminate your alimony payments.

But proving cohabitation can be difficult.

For one thing, you need to have evidence that your ex is actually living with someone – which can be tricky if they’re not being upfront about it. You also need to show that their relationship is more than just platonic; that they’re sharing a bed, for instance, or that they’re sharing financial responsibilities.

If you’re thinking about trying to prove cohabitation in your alimony case, it’s important to gather evidence. But if you can’t, hiring a private detective is the way to go.

If you’re looking for a top private detective agency in Connecticut, look no further than CT Private Detective. We have years of experience when it comes to gathering evidence to win alimony cases. Our private investigators are highly skilled and experienced in this area, and they will work tirelessly to get the evidence you need to win your case.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you win your alimony case.

Request a free quote today!

Different Ways How Private Investigators Can Prove Cohabitation

In an alimony case, a private investigator can be hired to gather evidence of cohabitation. For the person paying alimony, this is important because if the ex-spouse, who is receiving payment is found to be cohabiting with another person, they may no longer be eligible for payments.

A private investigator can gather evidence such as photos, videos, or witness statements that can be used in court to prove that the spouse is cohabiting with someone else.

There are many ways for a private investigator to prove cohabitation, including surveillance, checking financial records, and interviewing neighbors.


One common method is to surveillance the suspected couple. A private investigator in Connecticut can follow them and take pictures or videos of them together in various settings, such as their home, in their car, or out in public. The investigator may also try to obtain documents or other evidence that would show the couple is sharing a residence, such as utility bills or bank statements.

Public Records

A lot of private investigators are licensed in the state of Connecticut and are allowed to access public records for a variety of reasons. One reason is to help prove cohabitation, which can be important in cases involving alimony or child custody.

Public records can provide investigators with information about where someone has lived and worked. They can also show if your ex-spouse has been living together with someone such as by sharing the rent or mortgage payments.

Checking Financial Records

If the ex-spouse is living with someone else, they may be sharing expenses such as rent, utilities, and groceries. A private investigator can check financial records to see if there are any joint expenses being paid by the ex-spouse.

Interviewing Neighbors

A private investigator can interview neighbors to see if they have seen the person being investigated with someone else or if they have heard any suspicious activity.

These people may be able to provide information about the couple’s living arrangements, such as whether they are seen coming and going from the same residence or whether they share a bed.

Using social media

Social media has become a boon for private investigators looking for evidence of cohabitation to help their clients win alimony cases. By searching Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, investigators can often find pictures, posts, and other information that can be used to prove that the person receiving alimony is living with someone else.

However, this method is less effective if the parties are not active on social media or if they are using privacy settings that prevent their information from being publicly available.

Using GPS Tracking

GPS tracking can also be used to prove cohabitation. A private investigator in Connecticut can secretly place a GPS device on the person’s car being investigated. The GPS device will then track their movements and allow the private investigator to see if they are spending time with someone else.

Hiring a private investigator to prove cohabitation can be a great way to get the evidence you need in a divorce or alimony case.

However, if you are considering hiring a private investigator to prove cohabitation, it is important to choose someone who is experienced and reputable. You should also make sure to ask about the investigator’s methods and whether they have successfully used them in similar cases.

CT Private Detective is the private detective agency you can trust in Connecticut. We have a team of professionals who are experts in conducting investigations into a wide range of cases, including those of alimony.

Our team is composed of some of the best investigators in the business, so you can rest assured that you’re in good hands when you come to us. We’ll work tirelessly to get to the bottom of your case, and we won’t rest until we’ve found all the answers you need.

If you’re going through a divorce and fighting for alimony, don’t go another day without hiring a private detective.

Contact CT Private Detective today.